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Tadd has over 20 years experience across a variety of industries as CEO, CFO, and financial advisor. He is a former Senior Director at Zolfo Cooper and manager at PriceWaterhouseCoopers, where he provided advisory services in interim management, crisis management and restructurings to various industries, including textiles, wholesale, retail, manufacturing, banking and telecommunications. His areas of expertise are interim management, business plan development and review, working capital management, financial and operational control and improvement, financial planning and maximizing value of investments. Tadd also has previous work experience providing public accounting and audit services to a wide range of clients.


As founder of TCrane Consultants, Tadd represented the buyer subsequent to an M&A transaction as acting CEO; he provided operational and financial leadership to the company while undergoing a transition from an operating to a licensing company. He managed all aspects of the business on behalf of the buyer while operating under a transaction service agreement with the seller. His responsibilities included leading all customer service activities, managing the external sales representatives, negotiating with customers, supervising the production planning and logistics functional areas and participating in all cost reduction efforts. Under Tadd’s leadership, the investors achieved greater than expected returns.


Recently, we advised a wholesaler specializing in selling licensed products through a sale process while in Chapter 11 and is currently in a part time role as the Responsible Officer in Debtor’s efforts to winddown the remaining activities of the seller’s estate. Previously, Tadd was the financial advisor to an apparel wholesaler and retailer throughout its restructuring. After the successful reorganization, he remained with the company as CFO for nearly a year.


Tadd’s previous experience includes representing a book publisher during its out-of-court restructuring. He also served as an associate director of restructuring for Mark IV Industries, a $1.3 billion global automotive and transportation company, where he was responsible for evaluating and improving the global cash flow forecasting process, assisting in the preparation of the five-year business plan and negotiating credit facilities.


Tadd advised the senior lender group in the restructuring of a $650 million manufacturing business. He led the assessment and analysis of the company’s business plan, worked with the company to improve cash flow management and negotiated both the DIP financing and the plan of reorganization. As an associate director of restructuring in the Collins & Aikman Chapter 11 case, Tadd led the sale of various business lines, facilities and assets; participated in negotiating with significant creditors and their advisors; led the closure of unprofitable facilities; and was instrumental in the execution of the plant consolidation plan. At Malden Mills (Polartec), a textile manufacturer, Tadd was Interim Treasurer and  Contoller.  He was responsible for all aspects of cash management, the budget process, financial reporting and negotiations with vendors and other interested parties, and participated in numerous cost reduction initiatives.


Education, Certification & Professional Affiliations

B.S. in management and finance from State University of New York at Binghamton
M.B.A. from Fordham University, with honors
Certified Insolvency and Restructuring Advisor
Member of the Association of Insolvency and Restructuring Advisors

Tadd Crane Professional Summary

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